Hey everyone,
First of all, I want to thank all of you for the support you offered me during this experience. By participating in this project, my family, friends, peers, and additional readers in the community excited me about the opportunity to learn more about the political system, and my only regret is that I did not have time to do more.
Rebecca McClanahan lost the election to Zach Wyatt yesterday. The people have spoken, and they chose someone who I (as clear in other posts) feel is in adequate for the job. I can only hope for the sake of Missouri District 2 that I am wrong and Zach does an awesome job for the constituents in the House of Representatives. I wish him nothing but the best!
Rebecca McClanahan was a wonderful asset to this community, and I know she will continue to work hard to better our lives in whatever way she may chose. It was a pleasure to get to know her and have several opportunities to talk with her.
I would like to issue a special thanks to Charles Smith, who was always there to answer questions or feed me information. You are amazing!
For the last time, it was nice talking with you. Maybe next election I’ll blog again… out of love for the system rather than for a grade.